
Juicebox fgc
Juicebox fgc

juicebox fgc

Although this attack is too slow to combo into, it can easily catch the opponent off guard and can be canceled into to reduce the vulnerability window. Uronkouchuu ( + ) - A great overhead kick that can be comboed off on hit or feint canceled into a low or throw attempt.

#Juicebox fgc plus#

Plus it can be confirmed on counterhit into a followup. Functions as an air-to-air, late jump-in, and zoning tool for batting at the opponent from forward, backward, and neutral hops.

  • Jumping Blowback Attack (Air + ) - Very fast horizontal kick with deceptional range.
  • Can also crossup, although the spacing is more strict.
  • Jumping Heavy Kick (Air ) - A silly drunken twist kick that can be used as a horizontal air-to-air or as a late jump-in.
  • Somewhat lacking in range since the hitbox is close to Chin, but causes heavy hitstun.
  • Jumping Heavy Punch (Air ) - Chin's main air-to-ground overhead.
  • While this could air-to-air, Jumping Blowback Attack is overall a stronger option. This attack has a long window of active frames but doesn't inflict much hitstun.
  • Jumping Light Kick (Air ) - A more standard, shoto-like jump kick.
  • Works when approaching the opponent from below as a fast air-to-air.
  • Jumping Light Punch (Air ) - Horizontal air-to-air positioned higher than Chin's other jumping normals.
  • Poor as a Guard Cancel Blowback Attack as Chin's forward movement can cause him to whiff the counter against a jump-in, as is the case with Ralf's GCCD.
  • Blowback Attack ( + ) - Chin will initially lean forward before attacking which gives this attack good range in respect to his generally short reach.
  • Gains a bit of extra range from Chin sliding forward, although this can increase its risk from up close.
  • Crouching Heavy Kick ( + ) - Sliding sweep that cannot be canceled punishable if blocked deep.
  • Although this attack isn't as dominant as in previous games, it becomes much better when Chin stacks multiple drinks as then even if it trades Chin will deal more damage than he'll take.
  • Crouching Heavy Punch ( + ) - A hollow remainder of Chin's previously great Crouching Heavy Punch, now reduced to a subpar anti-air with short range.
  • This attack can be chain canceled into Standing and Crouching Light Punch to confirm from a low attack, or be canceled on its own (such as canceling into + or + ).
  • Crouching Light Kick ( + ) - A quick sweep that moves Chin forward.
  • Has a lower hitbox and can be chained into or out of to increase the length of hitconfirms.
  • Crouching Light Punch ( + ) - Functions near-identically to Standing Light Punch.
  • Close Heavy Kick (Close ) - Slower than Close Heavy Punch and thus not as useful unless hoping to make Chin appear more intoxicated.
  • Stance (Standing Heavy Kick, then hold ) - Chin cancels his kick and enters his Choukarou stance ( + ).
  • Has a solid mid hitbox and quick recovery which makes it one of his better footsie tools.
  • Standing Heavy Kick ( ) - Chin's drunken side kick and longest-reaching normal.
  • Doesn't have any utility outside of close blockstrings and combos.
  • Close Heavy Punch (Close ) - Chin's main Heavy Attack combo starter.
  • One of Chin's longest normal attacks, though that isn't saying much directly, but a strong defensive tool.
  • Standing Heavy Punch ( ) - Backfist attack with a slight upward angle that can be used as a strong hop anti-air attack, though when pressured Chin is better off sticking with Standing Light Punch as a faster anti-air.
  • A decent attack, but doesn't reach as far as Crouching Light Kick nor can it be chained into anything else as a hitconfirm.
  • Standing Light Kick ( ) - Hits low and can be special cancled, but cannot be chained into any other Light.
  • This move can be chain canceled into any of Chin's Light attacks or canceled on its own.

    juicebox fgc

    Standing Light Punch ( ) - Chin is so short that his Standing Light Punch will connect against crouching characters.EX Suiho (qcb+BD) does less damage (previously 40+70×2+80).The normal version now has the active duration of the EX version in Arcade, and the EX version's is even shorter. Suiho (qcb+K) has reduced active frames.As a result of this, the counterattack almost never whiffs anymore, and there are very few situations in which he can't follow up. Light Suiho (qcb+B) now has the attack come out faster than before and can combo into Kaitenteki Kuutotsuken (hcf+K).Chin's defense no longer decreases when he has drink stocks.He has less recovery after Bangeki (normal throw) (both from stances and normally) and he can actually do follow-ups in the corner.Chin can no longer do Getsuga Soushu from his Choukarou (d,d+K) stance (previously C during Choukarou, or A+C for EX version).Chin can do a close C from his Choukarou (d,d+K) stance.

    Juicebox fgc